Friday, December 5, 2008

Shirakawa/Campos/Garcia -- a conflict of interest waiting to happen...

I guess Watch Dog doesn't have all the news or all the sources...

San Jose Revealed just posted a nugget about Supervisor-elect George Shirakawa Jr.'s plans for his Supervisorial staff...none of this is surprising, Shirakawa has never been accused of being anything but uber-political...but what Revealed doesn't say is this...

Re: Xavier Campos as Chief of Staff
This will clearly put him in some positions of conflict when dealing with planning issues in the City of San Jose because of his position on the San Jose Planning Commission. After all, the City and the County don't always/ever get along, especially on development issues. Not to mention the messiness because he is widely expected to run for his sister's seat in a few years. Also not to mention that developers will be meeting with Xavier on County development issues while those same developers will want to meet with Xavier on City development issues...

Re: Eddie Garcia as Xavier's Lacky
According to Watch Dog's own spies, Supervisor-elect Shirakawa was adamant about trying to have Eddie appointed to replace him on the East Side Union High School District Board of Directors, even though Garcia lost his re-election bid in November. So Shirakawa was actually trying to get him an elected-appointed position and a job...that's more than Comcast (or voters) ever did for Eddie.

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