Thursday, January 29, 2009

(Late) Morning News Round-Up – 1.29.09: The $6,000 Question...

Metro/San Jose Inside’s Fly takes San Jose Councilmember Nancy Pyle to task for spending $6,000 to replace old Council office furniture while staffers pack their boxes on the way to the unemployment line. San Jose Revealed spanks Metro/Inside's Dan Pulcrano for even wasting space on this earth-shattering news. Watch Dog would like to bet that if Mayor Chuck spent $6,000 on office furniture while cutting City jobs Revealed would feel would voters, if Pyle wasn't termed out...

Cupertino’s former/part-time Director of Community Development Steve Piasecki is double dipping (receiving retirement pay and a part time salary). City Manager Dave Knapp says Piasecki's lack of benefits and no holiday pay make sure the double dipper still earns less than before. Cupertino gets to keep the institutional knowledge but the City gets to pay less. What a deal...

De-Bug/San Jose Inside’s Raj Jayadev channeled Councilmember Sam Liccardo in his opening line, “Are taskforces where community hopes goes to die?” While Jayadev muffed the grammar a bit, he and Liccardo seem to share the sentiment. Jayadev concludes with, “The group [the drunk task force] certainly has the ability to usher in needed reform about problematic police behavior—it need only the will to do so.” (See Watch Dog's take here...)

San Martin is the scene of the latest pedestrian-meets-vehicle incident
. William Flodberg, 75, was flown to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center after being hit by a truck driven by Raul Reyes. CHP Officer Erica Elias said neither drugs nor alcohol was a factor.

It’s called "suicide by cop" and tragic for everyone involved. Pete Joseph Valdez III told police he wanted to die when he pointed the gun at police officers, fortunately, no one was killed or shot. The 29 year old son of former 16 year Gilroy Councilmember Pete Valdez Jr. was arrested 14 months ago, arraigned last month, and now his trail setting date has been delayed for another month. Speedy trial?

There’s a guy in D.C. who believes in science. That's a nice change. So it’s good to hear the Save YSI Campaign is on track. The nature science program has youth curators and class aides who teach classes, conduct experiments, and rope in their classmates for the science fun in Vasona Park and along the Guadalupe watershed. "We do experiments and teach them about science and nature," Westmont High’s Sasha Sproch said. "We talk a lot about animals' different adaptations for survival, such as camouflage." Perhaps W. needs a lesson?...

Oops, seems some South Bay schools have sold (possibly) salmonella infested peanut butter to students...oops...See if your kid dragged home poison packed peanut products.

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