So today, a local political history lesson with an Obama twist entitled: The Rise and Fall of Local Political Fortunes...
For the beginning of this lesson, type "metro tony west manny diaz" into Google, and we can begin this lesson. Here are excerpts from an article you will find in that Google search from the March 16, 2000 Metro following Manny Diaz's victory over Tony West in a Democratic Primary for State Assembly...some of these names might sound familiar... forward from 2000 to this week and we learn our lesson in political fortunes are highlighted in a "where are they now" moment...
Manny Diaz: As the story says, he won the 2000 primary against West and went on to an undistinguished tenure in Sacramento. That 2000 race was the last contested race he won...he ran against Elaine Alquist for State Senate in 2004 and lost. He ran against (West's friend) Sam Liccardo in 2006 for City Council and lost. He is now a lobbyist in Sacramento representing companies that want less-strict air-quality Cindy (sort of) lobbies (and teaches) and Manny lobbies...Tony West heads to DC to serve the Obama administration. It seems the political fortunes of these three folks are intertwined, but have shifted dramatically and quickly...
Cindy Chavez: This article doesn't mention that Chavez beat Tony West in 1998 for City Council before the Diaz/West show-down for State Assembly. That might help explain the sign that her office hung up...But, like Diaz, that was the last contested election she won. She lost her election in 2006 against Chuck Reed for Mayor of San Jose. She is now also a sort of lobbyist for Working Partnerships as well as a teacher at San Jose State...
Tony West: Yes, he lost two elections -- to Chavez in 1998 and later to Diaz in 2000. (Although those races seemingly took a lot out of Chavez and Diaz -- because they never won a contested race again...) He then practiced law at a major San Francisco law firm, but stayed involved politically. One of his political allies and friends ran for President recently...perhaps you've heard of him. West was Obama's Californian Finance Committee Co-Chair. Now, West is headed to DC to serve as Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division in the Department of Justice.
Like any good teacher, perhaps Watch Dog's visual will help make the point...Like Madoff investments, Chavez's and Diaz's Political Stocks are in a bit of a Eddie Garcia's salary, West's Stock is on the way (

1 comment:
Congratulations to Tony West. It's nice to know that raising $65 million for the future president pays off.
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