In other A's news, the hometeam's starting pitcher at tonight's A's/Royals game in Oakland is a guy named Outman. Seriously, a pitcher named Outman. Could you think of a better name for a starting pitcher?
The Merc’s parent company, Media News, plans to start charging for online content. Calling free online content “ injustice to our print subscribers...” Media News CEO Dean Singleton also plans to gear online content to young people who rely on the internet for news. Good luck media news, the cliff that you are going over is near... this plan stinks...
So does this...

San Jose Fire’s Hazmat Team made a visit to AT&T with 50 firefighters. 325 employees were evacuated, 28 were checked out by paramedics, and 7 landed in the hospital. Why? Someone forgot to toss their old lunch out before it turned noxious. Captain Barry Stallard said when another employee sprayed a cleaner to cover the noxious odor “...that’s when the party started...”
And this...
San Jose’s aging (waste) water treatment plant is headed for an overhaul – and they want you to help plan what comes next. The rebuilt facility is expected to run $1 billion, ideas from energy generation to marshland habitat are all on the table. Perhaps a name like the water treatment plant in San Francisco is in order...
Mr. Roadshow, Gary Richards, stepped out of the car to ask cyclists what would really motivate them to pedal to work. Turns out it’s a hot shower closely followed by safe bike storage. (Sometimes bike-sweaty) San Jose Councilmember Sam Liccardo said it’s helpful when employers don’t require a three piece suit. Mr. Roadshow also dishes on bike etiquette.
The Merc’s Editorial Board calls on San Jose’s Mayor and City Council to have an open discussion about government Sunshine. The Editorial Board worries that without Sunshine Task Force discussion the City could move deeper into the darkness. A good first step would be to figure out who knew what when about the Independent Police Auditor...
Arizona developer DMB Associates ditched their South County project but not so their plans to build in the Cargill salt ponds. John Bruno says if the project doesn’t land in the salt ponds it will be built in the Central Valley. Save the Bay’s David Lewis calls it a “ridiculous false choice.” Watch Dog San Mateo has the salt ponds/Redwood City updates for DMB's 12,000 units. (That's not a typo, they really want to build 12,000 units...)
Mountain View’s City Council ended the uproar over the Day Worker Center by ignoring the Judicial Watch bigots and NIMBYs with approval of the Center. Councilmember John Inks got a little misty eyed saying “ my heart, I got to say you have to allow people to improve their condition...”
And it was a busy day for the Palo Alto Police Department's Dan Ryan...
Police Agent Dan Ryan reports a mountain lion was spotted using the San Francisquito creek as a pathway, not unusual according the calm agent. Visitors near University Ave. should be on the look out for large cats. (And large cats should be on the lookout for SUVs and Priuses.)The City of Cupertino is warning home owners associations about questionable and aggressive tactics of cable/phone providers. Not technically illegal, the tactics for locking up customers could tread on the edge of violating FCC regulations. Not to mention being in bad form…
It isn’t often someone celebrates a computer glitch. Palo Alto Police Detective Jason Jenkins took advantage of a computer foul-up to retrieve $4,800 on its way to a scam artist in Canada. The 99 year old who got her money back was delighted, Police Agent Dan Ryan said the grandmother wants to bake cookies for Jenkins.
Santa Clara University has $50 million in “shovel ready” projects with only one hitch – no money. An anonymous private donor has $7 million on the table while SCU waits on the results of the May 19 ballot measures. If 1A and 1B pass, the University’s Vice President James Purcell hopes SCU will be in the State's priority list.
The last of the ballots has been counted, Cupertino Union School District voters passed their parcel tax by 70%. Phil Quon, District Superintendent, said the campaign was the biggest community effort he’d ever worked on.
The Foothill-DeAnza Community College District is looking for the next Martha Kanter – and wants you to help. Kanter is headed to D.C. as Undersecretary of Education, her replacement has big shoes to fill but terrible budget times to fill them...
San Jose Insider/County Board of Education Trustee Joseph DiSalvo hopes to remind us of the power and value of the arts. Calling the arts the “one component of a quality public” education that gets “pummeled” in the drive to teach to tests, DiSalvo makes a good case for the arts and Watch Dog has the macaroni sculpture to prove it… You go Joe!
Watch Dog loves a good story about friends… Los Gatos’ Amy Shever watched with sadness as the pets of 9/11 victims were killed or lost in New York. She learned half a million pets are put down annually when their owners die or become disabled. 2nd Chance 4 Pets was born to give critters new families.
Sounds like San Jose's sewage treatment plant has the opportunity to become a world class example of environmental excellence. As hysterically funny as it would be to name an outdated environmental disaster after W the same cannot be said of a new facility.
Amy Shever is awesome!
I know this is a little bit late for a comment but I really appreciate the Watch Dog calling the plans by DMB Associates to develop the Cargill Saltmarsh, STINKY!
I could not have said it better. Please keep a big bad hungry Watch Dog looking after this issue and report all you can.
Lots of stinky stuff going on in Redwood City, the county and state on this issue.
I know it's a bit late to respond to this blog but thanks for calling DMB Associates development of the Cargill Saltmarsh, STINKY. You got it right.
Please keep a big hungry Watch Dog on this issue because there is a lot of stinky stuff going on in Redwood City about this developer and this issue.
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