Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 3.23.10: Candidate Barragan in the Merc?

In extremely concise (harsh?) Editorial, the Merc says this about Mayor Reed's 10 percent pay cut plan: the plan "...must be ratified by the full council. Otherwise, union members -- particularly police and fire -- will not take it seriously..." Too bad the "union members" don't have the local blogosphere support they used to... But the Police Officers Association has a blog, but their post (as of 8 a.m.) was from Chris Block and Michele Lew -- neither of which are speaking for the POA...

Let the cries of "Nanny State" begin now: County Supervisors want to ban restaurants from offering toys to kids as an incentive to eat a double quarter pounder with triple cheese and a extra large fry with a big ass Coke.

There is a very weird part of the toy-free County story, the "woman on the street" interviewed as part of the story, and the one buying her kid disgusting food, is named Susan Barragan. Which is the name of the woman running against Mayor Chuck Reed. What are the odds? Is Merc columnist Joe Rodriguez trying to give Susan Barragan some press?

Speaking of campaigns... Campaign reports were due yesterday representing fundraising and expenses from the beginning of the year through March 17th. The 49ers put in $1.4 million in money and personnel to their campaign.

Speaking of the 49ers, the move to Santa Clara isn't the only really smart thing they are doing. They got rid of their General Manager yesterday.

Scott Herhold at the Merc has taken a few days off on the Dolores Carr/Jeff Rosen front, and has taken on an even more controversial issue -- neighbors versus schools versus traffic in Los Altos.

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