Shock of shocks! Oakland is now trying to keep the A's in Oakland, after ignoring them for a decade... they have some sites picked out and now they have an economic study that states the obvious: MLB is good for business and jobs. Perhaps former Mayor Jerry Brown should have commissioned that study and then tried to keep the team 10 years ago... But you have to love Mayor Dellums' quote about the new economic study: "We know that it has a spiritual quality in that people love very much to be excited by the ability to root for the home team..." Is Sarah Palin now writing talking points for Mayor Dellums? Either that, or Dellums has morphed into Yoda...
And if that wasn't reason enough to leave Oakland... a follow-up from yesterday's news that folks were kicked out of the stadium for criticizing Lew Wolff... the Oakland City Attorney says that banning signs from the stadium is unconstitutional and is making a big fuss... there is a 100 percent chance that San Jose's City Attorney Rick Doyle would never do such a thing. Welcome Lew Wolff... no signs, no politically ambitious City Attorney's, and no crazy Mayors (see above)...
But leave it up to some SF-based media to bring hyperbole into the mix when it comes to Oakland, San Francisco, and San Jose and the A's plans... the same study that garnered the totally awesome (and weird) Dellums' quote brought this headline: A's leaving Oakland would devastate city's economy. Which begs the question: What does it do to for Oakland's economy when nobody actually goes to the games? (Or when folks get killed in broad daylight downtown?) We're just saying...
Speaking of sports teams... the Red Wings are in town for the NHL playoffs, but they landed past the curfew, and like in high school, breaking curfew has consequences. While the Red Wings won't be grounded for Game 1 tonight, let's all get on the bandwagon for the Sharks, shall we?
"Damn it Google, why are you so good at finding out all those Mercury News stories about me..." While that probably is not a direct quote from San Jose Police Chief Rob Davis, it might as well have been as he lost out as a finalist for the Dallas Police Department top job... I wonder if it the Merc's Sean Webby finds irony in the fact that he gets to write the story about the Chief not getting the job in Dallas when Webby's previous stories were likely a factor in the Chief not getting the job...
The Merc Editorial Board sends props to the San Jose City Council for taking a paycut and paycutting the building inspectors' union... (yes, we made up a word, paycutting...)
HP is buying Palm for a cool $1.2 billion... with the history of Compaq, how could this go wrong?
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