From this story in the Merc. titled "Rumors swirling around San Jose police chief Davis, but job appears secure":
- San Jose councilmember Nora Campos thinks the Chief “ being looked at a little closer...”
- From Police Officers Association President Bobby Lopez, the Chief’s position is precarious...
- Rev. Jeff Moore II, head of the local NAACP, wants to know if “...a zebra can change his stripes...”
- Perhaps the most telling is this: "City Manager Debra Figone, who has the power to fire Davis, has made no public indication either way." No public comment either way, that's one way to not stand behind your Police Chief...
- A Silicon Valley De-Bug round table saw the Chief interrupt a storyteller to tell him “...Spanish is the language of the angels...” That doesn't seem to be gaining the Chief any friends in San Jose's Latino community...
- Herhold picks up where the Metro left off last week and describes the troubles facing Chief Davis, and they aren't good.
- Erin Sherbert digs deeper into the mounting problems facing the Chief.
- Interestingly, Councilmember Madison Nguyen refuses to talk on the record. Rather, she punts until Chief Davis rolls out some "short-term reforms." Those reforms better be good...
The tanking economy hasn’t hit San Jose’s casinos. The gambling business is good and casinos want to hire. Garden City Casino is filing (another) lawsuit complaining San Jose isn’t helping with hiring. City Attorney Rick Doyle calls it “needless lawyering.” Coming from a lawyer, that is really saying something...
The Merc.’s Action Line guy, Dennis Rockstroh, reports San Jose City’s budget cutting has hit landscaping. The Cty’s Greg Schultz says high maintenance shrubs and ground cover are the targets of this landscaping scale-back.
Bigots imported from Washington, D.C. to fight a Day Worker center in Mountain View are making claims of “soft racism” accusing Americans’ desire for cheap labor of creating the problem. Mountain View Mayor Margaret Abe-Koga said the immigration issue that brought Judicial Watch to Mountain View is a federal issue she’s not sure what they expect from the Council.
The Merc’s Editorial Board supports school district parcel tax measures A & B, with their “well thought out” spending plans and protection of the elderly and disabled. Moreland and Cupertino School Districts have a challenging race ahead, but they have to be happy to have the Merc’s support.
Super Soakers and nametags are the latest tools for gang members looking to leave their intimidating mark on San Jose. Tagging is on the rise and San Jose’s increasing deficit isn’t helping. Mayor Chuck Reed says “we’re losing ground” and the City needs to “be more stubborn than the taggers.” If you’re interested in being one of the stubborn, call 408-277-3208 or e-mail:
Sal Pizzaro, the Merc’s Man About Town, dishes gubernatorial wanna be/former eBay CEO Meg Whitman will be at tonight’s San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce Women in Leadership dinner. Pizzaro adds Whitman should provide insight on the State’s financial woes.
Palo Alto’s Midtown parents will see big changes (hint: Big parental beefs are brewing) as school boundaries are redrawn and the old/new Garland School is re-opened.
A former Reporter/Editor of several (Peninsula and Palo Alto) local papers was arrested (again) on drug charges. Brian Bothun was picked up on April 5th in Palo Alto. This just proves that Reporters/Editors love writing about Reporters/Editors. Hell hath no fury like former newspaper rivals...
San Jose Revealed made Watch Dog’s head spin using complicated baseball statistics to figure out how San Jose’s Councilmembers stack up in terms of gathering team support. The big losers, Councilmembers Pierluigi Oliverio and Pete Constant. As Revealed points out, it reflects badly on the Councilmember if they can’t garner support from their colleagues…

Peter Lawrence might be the happiest guy in Silicon Valley, he retired at 44 from a great job at HP, authored a book, and contemplates quiet mornings with a view of redwoods. While Lawrence doesn’t consider himself frugal the rest of us might, he has no furniture (or bed), two pairs of pants, and watches TV on his laptop. In these tough times it could pay to emulate at least some of Lawrence’s lifestyle, just don’t take Watch Dog's bed away.
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