The Sharks lost, again...Perhaps its because their lucky charm, Councilmember Liccardo, has been staying away?
Watch Dog isn't the only one who like fancy Silicon Valley towns, it seems more and more families with young kids are moving there as well. Perhaps its the schools...or perhaps its the square footage...
That "Groundwater Extraction Fee" that you've been paying to the Santa Clara Valley Water District may be coming back to you in a refund. A Superior Court Judge ruled the fee illegal and now the Water District may have to refund tens of millions of dollars to customers. This won't be good for the Water District's budget, one can presume. It also may have some political implications -- but we haven't written about this race yet, but we will soon...
These guys heads are going to explode as the learn about the prevalence of Sexting...no filters are going to stop this...
The Los Gatos Observer gets back in the game giving a profile of one of the bright spots on the economic horizon...Los Gatos' own Netflix.
The Principal from Gilroy High School is heading north the new Principal at Fremont High School in Sunnyvale. From Mustang to Firebird...
While we are in South County schools, the Morgan Hill Unified School District Board approved layoffs and other budget cuts. Much to the chagrin of SEIU President Pam Torrisi, who described the District's actions this way: "You're kicking somebody in the teeth when they're already down..."
The next chapter in Stanford development is being written right now. Recently, Stanford gave up Mall expansion plans in order to focus on hospital expansion and other campus efforts. But the City of Palo Alto is not done complaining/micromanaging what happens at Stanford. Palo Alto wants Stanford to connect any new development with an "urban village," whatever that is...
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