The Supervisors must have had their busiest day in years yesterday, actually generating two news stories. The one about the Fairgrounds, and this one about their considering looking at a plan to keep Henry Coe Park open, even though the State wants to close it to help the budget. Ken, Dave, George, Liz, and Don must be exhausted after discussing two entire issues in one meeting... As an aside, interesting byline on this story online...

Watch Dog didn't see anything in the newspaper this morning about the Vigil Kathleen Flynn organized yesterday. We did see this posting on MetBlogs, however.
Even MetBlogs noted the timing was tough because as folks were honoring Police Officers, who were represented at the event by Bobby Lopez, Video Gate still rages on... And while the Video Gate video seems to be have been taken down from ProtectSanJose, it is still on YouTube.
The San Jose City Council pay-cut issue was decided last night. They are going to cut their salaries (3.75%) but keep their full ($600/month) car allowance. The vote was 10-1 to drop the car allowance issue from the table (Councilmember Constant wanted to drop the car allowance) and then passed the pay cut unanimously. Apparently Councilmember Chu sharpened his personal financial pencil... or at least his political acumen.
Here's a nice story. Community gardens are growing (pun intended) in Los Gatos and Saratoga. As the economy crumbles, it is time to get everyone's hands dirty, apparently.
With their Santa Monica-named "Third Street Promenade" project almost ready to roll in Morgan Hill, two things need to happen first... luckily, one isn't a full rebound of the economy.
Down 101 a bit further, Gilroy gang violence is a growing problem. The DA and the County Sheriff are using an unusual tactic in prosecuting a gang shooting... she is charging "All of the gang members from both sides..." in the murder of Larry Martinez. That means the gang that Martinez was in and the gang that killed him are going to be charged. Watch Dog guesses that Defense Attorneys are going to have a field day...
And some blog news...
San Jose Revealed gives a little insight into Instant Run-Off Voting, which will be discussed at a forum at the porn-filter-free MLK Library...
ProtectSanJose, the POA's new blog, has a guest post from State Assemblymember Alberto Torrico (and Ed Rast). (The Video Gate video is no longer there... but is here.)
San Jose Inside interviews the Lt. Larry McGrady, whom they dub the "Club Cop"... And the post is by Dan Pulcrano, so perhaps you should check it out. Dan is writing again, which will give San Jose Revealed something to write about too...
1 comment:
The rally was very sucessful. We had a lot of attendees, and press. Unlike the link you provided, professional reporters who interviewed us promised to keep the story focused on those who suffered inexplicable losses.
Having said that, I want to take a moment to thank the hundreds of people who attended the vigil last night. I was deeply saddened and moved by your stories. I will never forget you, or the pain you have endured through you loss. Your courage and strength are admirable. I hope that you felt supported and comforted through this gathering of others who have experienced such horrific losses. Remember, you are not alone, and that our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
I also want to thank the media who attended and kept the focus on the victims of violent crime, their family members, and friends. Your professionalism and respect for their losses are deeply appreciated!
A special thank you to community leaders, the Mayor, DA Carr, Council Members Constant, Campos, Karla, the Fontana and Hosseini families, Dr. Bonita Carter Cox, Dan Hoffman, Bob Siple, Ed Rast, Jim Cogan, Denelle Fedor, Bobby Lopez, Chaplin Bridgen, and Randy for your support.
A very special note to the cab drivers, thank you for sharing your stories, and for the beautiful gift you gave me. I will treasure it always. God bless you and keep you safe as you do a very difficult and dangerous job out their on our city streets!
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