All this talk about Raj Jayadev got us thinking, what does this guy write about on Silicon Valley

On the flip side of things, Kathleen commented on Watch Dog yesterday, and yes, we have the courage to post comments... Here is the information about her Vigil tonight at City Hall.
Moving right along... The San Jose City Council is thinking about taking a pay cut. But Councilmember Chu is still standing in the way... We guess Watch Dog's notes and Herhold's column haven't made their way to Councilmember Chu's desk yet...
Councilmember Pierluigi Oliverio's budget survey is done. It is so scientific it hurts. The responses are here... but all you really need to do is figure out what Oliverio would cut or keep -- because (amazingly) they match up with the results. In Watch Dog's survey, we found that 90 percent of the people love Watch Dog "a lot." And 4 out of 5 dentists surveyed recommended sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum.
The 49ers apparently aren't going to sign the convicted dog-fighting-ring-leader Michael Vick to their squad. In an related note, the political people trying to get a ballot measure passed in Santa Clara next March exhaled loudly.
On the fourth day of Christmas... four Red Ruffed lemurs... and some falcons at City Hall...
The County is not going to take the State's cuts lying down... well, mostly they are going to take the State's cuts lying down. But they might try to do something about the (proposed) closing of Henry Coe State Park.
The Merc's Scott Herhold reviews the De Anza rape case (again) following a 20/20 story this week. Take a look and decide for yourself what you think about the column, but one line stands out: "...this case will always haunt Carr politically..." (Not M.L. or Larry but Dolores.)
It's been a good week for Silicon Valley businesses: yesterday Cisco joined other blue chip companies on the Dow Jones index and later in the day Apple previewed a new iPhone (and announced that the old one will only be $99)... Watch Dog is saving iPennies for the old iPhone.
If you live in Mountain View, your rates on most utilities are going up. Water, sewer, garbage, recycling, etc., etc., etc. Oh, and just to be nice, they are giving you a few weeks to prepare -- the hikes go into affect July 1. Water and sewer is going up 5% and garbage/recycling is going up 7%. Thank you Mountain View...
City Unions in Palo Alto are fighting back, and packing the City Council Chambers. Last night was public Round 1, Watch Dog expects this to be a long fight...
That fight in Palo Alto shouldn't be confused with this one. Two teenagers wielding pipes fought police. Police eventually won.
Mission City Lantern throws props Watch Dog's way, sort of...
We would include updates from San Jose Revealed, but they must be sleeping in late or taking a long weekend or both...
Thank you for posting the vigil. May be you'll attend and do a story on it since I’m sure some tacky reporter will show up tonight and have the audacity to ask me about the POA video, instead of writing or interviewing me about the purpose of the rally.
I'm sure all the members of the community, and the Police and Fire Department who have lost friends and loved ones would appreciate knowing that someone in the media cares enough about their loss and pain to jot down a few notes for the world to see.
Well, you are so important Kathleen. What reporter could resist asking you for your opinion on the matter.
You mean that reading about the pain and suffering of victims and their families isn't worth it to you, don't you? Your personal attacks on me are a real reflection of who you are and what is important to you. So if wasting your time doing this makes you feel better, please go right ahead~
You're not one to comment on making personal attacks. You've attacked Raj before and others who have spoken on police accountability issues. What hypocrisy. That vigil was a guise to stop budget cuts on the police department, and it's unfortunate it was in the name of victims of violent crime. I feel bad for the victims of violent crime and their families.
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