Third times a charm. Or so hopes the City of San Jose about the latest attempt to re-tool the Mexican Heritage Plaza. The Committee formed for the turn-around includes a mix of personalities, including a former non-profit CEO and people who pledge $1,000 per year of membership.
With roughly 2,200 acres on the Bay up for grabs next to San Jose’s sewage treatment plant, the battle over development versus wildlife should be a fun one to watch. (But development next to a sewage treatment plant doesn't really pass the smell test, does it?)
San Jose’s Assemblymember Joe Coto is no doubt breathing a deep sigh of relief after being dismissed from a lawsuit brought by the San Diego Minutemen. Coto and State Senator Gilbert Cedillo had been accused of conspiracy by the (racist) Minutemen.
Sporting aficionado Mark Purdy is rolling on the floor laughing at the Gavin Newsom spin which goes something like this… 49er's owners John and Jed York are too simple to understand the complexities of San Francisco’s offer. Purdy also dishes the annual Tour de French Fry is gearing up with Purdy taking bids for riders.
With a packed house of 57 residents wanting to talk groceries and so many needing to go to bed before the meeting ended, the Palo Alto City Council moved the JJ&F decision making to a later meeting, proving once again that Palo Alto is a sleepy town...
What won't be sleepy in Palo Alto is politics this Fall. Mayor Peter Drekmeier will NOT seek reelection, opening up the field for a free-for-all for Palo Alto's City Council in November. Stay tuned... 5 council seats are up for grabs with the only incumbent Councilmember Larry Klein running for re-election.
Diabetics have a new friend in Silicon Valley, an attorney. The Valley Medical Center has launched a first-in-the-nation program to help patients deal with work-related legal issues.
“…questionable characters with tow trucks..." The Merc’s Scott Herhold calls on (shy?) Commissioner Greg Saldivar to ditch his lawyer and take the stand in Gilroy’s Father/Son towing nightmare.
Another tiny school district contemplates its future. Tucked into the Santa Cruz Mountains the Lakeside School District has an arrangement with Campbell Union, an arrangement that could soon cost parents $5,000 per student. Maybe it is time to look at calls for consolidation…
It started as a Public Records Act request for the Morgan Hill Unified School District budget – it is (maybe) ending as a revamped budget. Trustee Shelle Thomas said she wasn’t sure the Board would support funding a more readable budget -- or perhaps the Board likes having budgets that are difficult for the public to understand...
The trial of (alleged) gang members in Gilroy is in a holding pattern while Superior Court Judge Teresa Guerrero-Daley waits for background information. The Metro provided some good background information is Jude Guerrero-Daley is interested...
Monte Serenans (including one pissed off former Mayor) hope to boot 3 Councilmembers for giving themselves $300 a month via a recall. (Targeted) Councilmember Lana Malloy said it was tough to identify “…what the motivation might be for something so silly...”
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