Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 8.11.09: Hey Great America, the 49ers are on the phone...

Someone’s mental health day went awry when Great America’s Invertigo trapped 24 coaster crazies for more than 4 hours. Mission City Lantern dishes Great America battled Santa Clara for a year to get the overly tall rollercoaster approved. Today seems like a very good day for the City of Santa Clara and the 49ers to call the Great America folks and make peace...

(Former) Santa Clara County prosecutor/ Labor Chief of Staff Ben Field filed (anagram) an appeal to the “miscarriage of justice” that derailed his career. Field hopes (?) to ditch labor and return to the golden path that ends in a judges robes, instead of in front of the judge.

Speaking of court... Libraries should be fun places to learn new things, like anagrams. We’re betting San Jose’s City Council didn’t intend the learning to include defense preparation. Last week's entertaining Council Education Park Library do-over has Building and Trades Council CEO (Councilmember Nora Campos’ Husband) Neil Struthers promising a day in court.

Gary “Mr. Roadshow” Richards sends a reminder that today police around the Bay are looking for cell phone using scofflaws on the road. Thank you for the (hands free) heads up...

The Merc’s Scott Herhold dishes his dark side includes stealing crackers when he meets his Mom for dinner at Whole Foods. Herhold laments the economic downturn delaying San Jose’s first Whole Foods opening.

“…like falling off a cliff...” was how Santa Clara County Tax Assessor Larry Stone described this year's devastating housing value crash. Stone wants you to know you have a little time left to get your property value officially lowered. That is definately boo-worthy news...

Oops… Palo Alto’s Lytton Park facelift was yanked at the 11th hour, literally, when a resident complaint arrived 1 hour before groundbreaking. A sheepish City Manager Jim Keene said he didn’t know how one of the City’s legal requirements had been missed. You have got to love Palo Alto...

The search for a new Morgan Hill Union School District Superintendent includes a brochure calling for a collaborative leader/ team builder interested in transparency and inclusiveness with a talent for data driven curriculum. Putting together the brochure included removing discussion of “adjusted school boundaries” as too scary for prospects.

Over in Gilroy, the School District is also facing changes. Following the brouhaha over financial swindling at the hands of the Mexican American Community Services Agency, the Gilroy Unified School District hired former El Portal Principal Graciela Vallardares to help students transition from the charter school to public school. (Watch Dog can only assume she didn't have anything to do with the embezzlement...)

Morgan Hill and Gilroy City employees are facing the same fears as private employees with the crashing economy and cities facing layoffs. City Manager Ed Tewes sent an email to the Morgan Hill Times saying “employees understand the necessity of living within our means.” We can only assume that Mr. Tewes's job isn't on the chopping block...)

Pissed off about a series of low rent criminals cruising local retailers, the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce is training business owners to fight back. Chamber Executive Director Ronee Nassi is hoping it will end the days when shopkeepers chase shoplifters down the toney streets of Los Gatos.

The Valley Transit Authority is using their Federal stimulus dollars to buy hybrid buses. Should make waiting behind the bus less unpleasant. The VTA kicked off a series of meetings for pissed off commuters last night in Campbell, more meetings to follow.

Doobies and Senator Barbara Boxer share the limelight under the gentle penmanship of the Merc’s Sal Pizarro today. Santa Clara County Tax Assessor Larry Stone claims it isn’t the smoke that makes him think San Jose’s own rockers, the Doobie Brothers, will do for San Jose what the Beatles do for Liverpool.

Three teenagers were satisfying that midnight need for In-N-Out when a party pooper stole their ride right out from under them – with a gun in hand. If you have news to share you are encouraged to call Mountain View Police at 650-903-6344.

An evening commuter Caltrain hit and killed a pedestrian. No word on whether suicide was involved.

Mission City Lantern calls out San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed for picking on Councilmember Ash Kalra’s Chief of Staff, suggestion the Mayor beat up his own staff before sharing the love.

San Jose Insider/San Jose Councilmember Pierluigi Oliverio uses his bully pulpit for a (yawning) description of musical chairs (jobs) before coming to his (un)surprising conclusion that it’s hard to let go of civil servants.

Protect San Jose blogger/Council wannabe Jim Cogan shares his observation that National Night Out was a success because a Police Officer could be overhead saying “now that I know about it…” and neighbors started a neighborhood watch group. Thank you Jim.

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