Former Vice Mayor/Labor Chief Cindy Chavez goes ever more public. Pointing to a 2008 Fair Political Practices Commission report calling uncapped independent expenditures that thwart “the will of the people,” Chavez lends her support to a contentious San Jose City Council vote. Or in text, "wll o d ppl"
Expect a lot of finger pointing as the cost of San Jose’s first Police substation continues to head North. This week the San Jose City Council discusses adding more than $5 million (on top of March’s $4.5 million) to fix design flaws. Like the 15,000 gallon fuel tank listed at 1,500 gallons.
San Jose Firefighters couldn’t have been happy to see the San Francisco Chronicle’s City Insider calling them out as the highest paid of big California cities. Those pesky reporters...
During the State’s trying budget days it’s surprising to see local legislators handing out raises. Assemblymember Joe Coto gave 2 staffers raises, bumping salaries to $56,880. Assemblymember Anna Caballero bumped 6 staffers to a whopping $19,278 annually and Jim Beall increased pay for 4 staff members to $27,510. Actually, scratch that, nothing in Sacramento is surprising...
Following up on last week's news that San Jose State University is making it difficult for unprepared students… The Merc’s Editorial Board calls on high schools to prepare students for college. What a concept…
(un)Happy trails. Fremont’s Nummi plant is packing the bags and heading to Texas leaving nearly 5,000 newly unemployed in its wake. Perhaps a Fremont ballpark can actually happen now? Watch Dog sources say no...
Two groups of teenagers battled at the Alum Rock lightrail station in East San Jose. When the dust settled a 19 year old woman was dead while a 16 year old and 19 year old were hospitalized. The Sheriff’s office won’t (yet) declare this a gang related fight. If you have details, call detective Sgt. Herman Leon or detective Sgt. Ryan Elder at 408-808-4500.
The Merc’s Internal Affairs crew follows the confusing assortment of local legislators as they angle for higher office. (current and former) Assemblymembers Ira Ruskin, John Laird, and Jim Beall plan to duke it out with freshman Assemblymember Paul Fong for Senator Joe Simitian’s seat in 2010. Senator Elaine Alquist hopes to be your next Secretary of State while (current and former) Assemblymembers Joe Coto and Sally Lieber will go after Alquist’s Senate gig. Looming ahead, the inevitable redistricting after the 2010 census.
The fallout from Scott Herhold’s wishful list of District Attorney wannabe’s brought more than a little grief to Deputy District Attorney/”Most Respected” Jeff Rosen.
The Merc’s Internal Affairs also pokes fun at (former) Mayor Ron Gonzales email sign-off.
The Merc’s Sal Pizarro celebrates the opening of the San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce offices and Garden City Construction’s loving restoration of a 1941 bank, more restoration for San Jose’s Civic Center, bike building at Applied Micro, and Cadence employee’s blowing through a fundraising goal to triple the joy.
Local government in action around Silicon Valley…
- The County Board of Supervisors' Health and Hospital Committee discusses reports on County programs for uninsured children – now that the State wants to cut funds.
- Cupertino Union School District talks energy management.
- Fremont Union High School District gets an update on Measure B.
- East Side Union High School gets dollars for sports…
- San Jose Unified School District Superintendent Don Iglesias hopes for an agreement with the San Jose Teachers Association.
- San Jose City Council talks Sunshine and cost overruns. (Or in text: cst ovrrns)
- Santa Clara City Council tackles charter changes for football while a 49er stadium subcommittee recommends a 2nd ballot measure.
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