No singing here on day one of post vacation meetings...
Accusations of fraud and deceit erupted while emotions ran high during San Jose’s City Council do-over discussion of the Education Park Library quagmire. Former Public Defender/Councilmember Ash Kalra espoused expertise on steel subcontractors while declaring he had not been pressured by any group. For your reading pleasure, a steel subcontractor expert/lobbyist report from folks not pressuring Kalra. San Jose Inside has a take on the do-over, this time not relying solely on the Merc’s rendition.

Speaking of San Jose’s City Council…
Former Independent Police Auditor Barbara Attard received a little more than the coffee & chocolate parting gift when San Jose’s City Council swapped her $250,000 loan for the condo deed yesterday. No word if they’re renting to the next IPA…
Liquid gold won’t be oil in the future, it’s water. Well under way to reusing wastewater is a $55 million pilot project with the Santa Clara Valley Water District, San Jose and Santa Clara hoping following in the footsteps of Orange County… Still, pretty high on the ick factor…
Really, Saratoga does want those Federal stimulus dollars… A documentation screw-up had Councilmember Howard Miller saying “Oops, we caused an ambiguity, let's throw this thing back out there,” talking about getting those shovel ready projects underway.
Gilroy’s City Council will be holding on to binding arbitration, for now. A contentious meeting ended with an unhappy Gilroy Chamber of Commerce CEO Susan Valenta sitting in the audience. Police Officer Association President Mitch Madruga previously accused the Chamber of “irrelevant flame-fanning.” Doubtful this battle is over…
Palo Alto’s homeless Council candidate had his (first) day in court fighting the city’s sit-lie ordinance. Victor Frost is hoping free speech and a heart condition let him keep his campaign on track.
Go green, save money and spend your travel bucks at home. HP and Cisco systems hope the crashing economy will help push video conferencing over the top.
The Merc’s Sal Pizarro bids a fond farewell to retiring Superior Court Judge Catherine Gallagher who’s now headed for a post-retirement mediation career at JAMS. Pizarro also dishes the Democratic glitterati were in full force at a fundraiser for Georgia Congressmember John Lewis hosted by his buddy Congressman Mike Honda.
A Silicon Valley staple since 1954, Lupretta’s Deli will be closing the doors in Saratoga’s Village. Daryle Lupretta is looking for new digs with a kitchen… and, lot’s of foot traffic. Watch Dog has paws crossed the ravioli’s reappear soon.
Around the blogosphere…
- Mission City Lantern lashes out against ‘Letters from Silicon Valley’
- San Jose Revealed remains incommunicado (complete with broken site – again), in spite of yesterday’s tempting San Jose City Council meeting…
- Kathleen Flynn issues a throwdown to advocates of open police records declaring on Protect San Jose “…read about the woman who murdered her child, ate her brain, tore her face off, and then tried to kill herself. I rest my case.” Watch Dog invites advocates on all sides to talk.
- San Jose Metblogger Matt Bruensteiner shares photos from his neighborhood National Night Out including cops as kiddy rockstars and tightrope walking Northsiders.
1 comment:
Thanks for the mention on your blog Watch Dog. Victim's rights are very near and dear to my heart, so getting the word out with your help is appreciated. I liked the story James Rowen shared on his blog today about the rape victim's friend. It is a must read.
Thrown down? Hum, I wonder if Bobby Flay knows about May be I'll get one of his great dishes out it! ;-)
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