Now back to the rug for a well deserved belly rub and a nap...

San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed hits the big time today with CNBC chatting about Silicon Valley leading the way out of recession...
Parents with Padres Unidos have defined the necessary criteria for their next School District Superintendent: Latino, but, “not just any Latino.” Board President Don Moody said “their hearts are in the right place… I respect their opinions…” offering he plans on thinking about the children’s needs.
Mental Health advocate Robin Salak hopes her threats to Psycho Donuts will get those crazy names off the charts saying darkly “If [owner Jordan Zweigoron] doesn’t do what we want …” Meanwhile, psycho Kipp Berdiansky turned in his straight jacket leaving psycho Jordan Zweigoron holding the bag and the blog.
If you’re angling for that Honorific today is the deadline to get your papers filed for City Council and school district races in November. So far Sunnyvale’s incumbents (and the open seat) heard some chatter but no one wants to run, yet…
Speaking of elections…
Foothill-DeAnza Trustee hopefuls are now online after the League of Women Voters suggested it would be helpful. You have until August 17 to join Joan Barram and Richard Bernhardt on the list…
San Jose brothers Kulbir and Amritpal Dhaliwal are back in the news, busted in San Mateo for lying and drunk driving. Sweet kids…
San Jose Parks Manager Matt Cano hopes the city’s new Greenprint will balance promises with delivery. San Jose wants to hear from you before raising the cost of those golf lessons.
The sparkly new courthouse in Morgan Hill will join the ranks of the furloughed, along with all other courthouses across the State. So, if you have jury duty, you can now join your doctor on the links every 3rd Wednesday…
Morgan Hill’s Redevelopment Agency will be fixing the 101/Tennant interchange, without benefit of Federal Stimulus bucks.
Farmer Andy Mariani says of his stone fruit (no, not stoned fruit) orchard it would all “be houses sooner or later… In the meantime, we’re just trying to survive.” As the pressure to pave over agricultural lands grows. Richard Barberi added “people who live in town love their farmer’s markets… But that’s all gone if farming’s not allow to happen in this valley.”
A big Watch Dog Woof to all the local seniors kicking butt at the Olympics…
Santa Clara County Tax Assessor/Jazzman Larry Stone ditched his sax to pay for grad school but not his love of music. Stone leads the way for tonight’s kick off of the annual At&T San Jose Jazz Festival in downtown San Jose according to the Merc’s Sal Pizarro. San Jose Metblogger Matt Bruensteiner is also all over the weekends musical offerings.
The Merc’s Joe Rodriguez takes us inside the life of East San Jose’s Father Son team of Rudy Contreras Sr & Jr. Senior headed deep into gang territory before turning his life around, Junior just returned from war.
Stanford law professor John Barton was hit while riding his bicycle last month. The University announced the respected teacher died as a result of his injuries. No word on the driver who killed him… Condolences.
San Jose Inside cares the San Jose Mineta International Airport was named 2008 Airport of the Year by the Air Line Pilots Association… And that was before the new terminal started to open.
Mission City Lantern bids a (not so) fond farewell to San Jose Revealed, complete with poem. James also shares the sad news of one very confused porpoise who made his way from the Bay up San Tomas Aquino Creek before dying of injuries suffered in transit.
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