Thursday, October 15, 2009

Morning News Round-Up – 10.15.09: In celebration of the grouch...

Taxi deregulation has arrived in Mountain View… Mountain View’s City Council doesn’t want “… market regulations…” for taxis and is hoping statements taken under oath will keep taxis insured and running smoothly.

Not everyone is a fan of the 2 year mayor, Mountain View’s Council Procedures Committee voted down changes to the annually rotating mayor-ship. Councilmember Mike Kasperzak wants to ditch rotating mayors making the mayoral privilege an elected one.

If Police Officer Association President Bobby Lopez has his way Dr. Rajiv “Dr. No” Das will lose a good chunk of his annual salary because Das insists on police and firefighters getting paperwork from personal physicians. San Jose Councilmember Sam Liccardo suggests “… a doctor of any significant competence is not going to be any more lenient.”

Local (Republican) gubernatorial wannabe’s Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina can’t catch a break on those “spotty” voting records. Republican political consultant Sean Walsh suggests the tech millionaires settle on an explanation and move on. Guess he didn’t like Whitman’s (various) reasons or the fact this story shows up again, and again and again

The Merc’s Editorial Board sends props to Assemblymember Joe Coto for pushing reforms at the Santa Clara Valley Water District, in exchange for a bill District boardmembers wanted…

Thanks to the generosity of two families, 125 people will have beds to sleep in this winter. The Merc’s Editorial Board sends props to Joe and Michele Costello and for Ajay Shah and Lata Krishnan for keeping EHC LifeBuilders beds open.

According to the Merc’s Scott Herhold, while office porn is “offensive and unprofessional” trying to ban it will be as effective as Prohibition. Herhold suggests better management might have prevented Julie LeBlanc’s ostracism and the pain San Jose is feeling with that $200,000 check.

Protect San Jose’s Kathleen Flynn invites you to join her in San Jose’s City Hall to oppose the “small but vocal minority…” dragging around statistics about the high arrest rates, per capita, while “..racial profiling, and unfairly targeting minorities.”

Mission City Lantern reports there may be more than 15 minutes of fame for a Lantern favorite – Philip Bump. According to Mission City, Bump’s predilection for posting might have been a problem in the jury box.

A Watch Dog woof to grouches of Silicon Valley...

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