Dude, I told you not to do that… Santa Clara County Sheriff’s busted Jesus Ochoachacon for farming his 6,100 pot plants in the hills above San Jose. Sgt. Rick Sung said the $18 million farm was just “average.”
Hoping to share responsibility (spread the blame)… Santa Clara County prosecutors were giggling with glee when a report (paid for by Public Defender Mary Greenwood) said the Defender’s office knew about those (not so) secret sexual assault videotapes.
Legislative (weekend) update... Assemblymember Joe Coto's bill to help out Parson's (and Da Mayor) hit a snag in the Senate. Santa Rosa Senator Patricia Wiggins wants to hear from the Attorney General about possible legal complications.

Santa Clara County Supervisors have filled Ann Ravel’s pumps with Assistant County Counsel Miguel Marquez, at least temporarily. Still up for negotiation - Marquez’ salary and the permanency of the position, both discussions on tap for August.
It's cross-over Friday with these stories from our Sister blog, Watch Dog San Mateo
- Just in time for your holiday fireworks… The draft report for California High-Speed Rail is now available. Watch Dog looks forward to a detailed analysis from parties pro and con.
- No surprises here… Caltrain’s Board of Directors is raising the cost of the commute, and cutting back on service. Gilroy trains will still run, less often…
- Former Mountain View Asssemblymember Sally Lieber isn’t letting unemployment slow her down. Lieber worked with Caltrain to put together an 11 member Community Task Force on Safety to make Caltrain tracks less inviting for suicide.
- Palo Alto is shuffling people in the hopes of saving money.
Morgan Hill School District Superintendent Alan Nishino’s resignation looked like so much fun Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Michael Johnson also quit. Nishino and Johnson will stick around on contract through the end of Summer. Trustee Shelle Thomas said paying the two $61,000 to stick around didn’t make sense.
While most governmental agencies are scrambling to find new ways to make money (that don’t include the printer in the basement), the Santa Clara Valley Water District has a big rainy day fund set aside. Pissing off critics and the Morgan Hill Times.
The Gilroy Unified School District will ask your kids to cough up a buck (or more) to get to (and from) school. Bus driver Linda Figone worried that the feeds could put some families “over the edge.”
Look forward to fun times in Gilroy – the cops and firefighters are taking furloughs. Residents shouldn’t worry, it looks like safety officers will compensate by working overtime to cover their absent brethren. No doubt making up for those lost wage increases…
Before Watch Dog hits the beach, this public service announcement. Where to get your Independence Day fireworks fix on.
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