District Attorney Dolores Carr was not happy to hear Superior Court commissioner Gregory Saldivar would not take the stand in the mysterious case of the (fraudulent) tow operator. The DA’s office is pinning hopes on seeing Saldivar on the stand if/when the tow operating family finds itself in court.
San Francisco blogger Joe Eskenazi, aka “The Snitch,” follows up on the growing interest in San Jose Assemblymember Joe Coto’s bill for Da Mayor. Eskenazi wonders if media attention gave legislators the chutzpah to challenge Coto in the Senate.
The Merc’s Editorial Board takes a jab at San Jose’s planning department for proposing hotels in North San Jose while celebrating a proposed influx of big box retail – think Target on steroids.
Willow Glenites are forming their own latte toting vigilante group in response to a rash of (wannabe) ganglike graffiti on cars.
Clocking in as the Nation’s oldest 4th of July parade the Morgan Hill stream of red, white and blue saw more than 45,000 bystanders. The Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation center shared the road with the National Rifle Association while Water District Director/Supervisorial wannabe Rosemary Kamei became Rosie the Riveter.
Mercury News columnists were on a roll…
And, finally, in the post celebratory round-up… San Jose Inside’s Rants & Raves began on a high note “Happy Birthday, USA!” before quickly deteriorating into accusations of Grinchy fireworks thievery before concluding Silicon Valley lawmakers must not be working because SteveO didn’t see them.
San Francisco blogger Joe Eskenazi, aka “The Snitch,” follows up on the growing interest in San Jose Assemblymember Joe Coto’s bill for Da Mayor. Eskenazi wonders if media attention gave legislators the chutzpah to challenge Coto in the Senate.
The Merc’s Editorial Board takes a jab at San Jose’s planning department for proposing hotels in North San Jose while celebrating a proposed influx of big box retail – think Target on steroids.
Willow Glenites are forming their own latte toting vigilante group in response to a rash of (wannabe) ganglike graffiti on cars.
Clocking in as the Nation’s oldest 4th of July parade the Morgan Hill stream of red, white and blue saw more than 45,000 bystanders. The Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation center shared the road with the National Rifle Association while Water District Director/Supervisorial wannabe Rosemary Kamei became Rosie the Riveter.
Mercury News columnists were on a roll…
- Curmudgeonly Scott Herhold uses his column to lay claim to a marshmallow interior when it comes to San Jose.
- The Merc’s Sal Pizarro was all about the fundraisers. Leah Toeniskoetter, of construction fame, heads out on a “Death Ride,” a happy Bob Hammer, oat eating Gwen Peters and San Jose chroreographer Tawnya Kuzia who needs your help to head to New York.
- Internal Affairs, the Merc’s political snoop column, chastised Saratoga/Santa Maria/San Luis Obispo Senator Abel Maldonado for sitting firmly on his hands. Maldonado, who previously accused State Insurance Commissioner/fellow Republican Steve Poizner of grandstanding, refused to take a stand on education dollars.
- The job switch of sheriff’s Lt. Jose Salcido caught the eye of the Merc’s Internal Affairs crew. Winner Salcido, becoming a double dipper with a healthy pension and 6 figure salary as Mayor Chuck Reed’s police right hand. IA noticed San Jose Revealed’s MIA status, calls Watch Dog a widow in mourning (seriously?), and wonders if labor doyenne Cindy Chavez is involved.
- Geeky workers heading to Palo Alto along Page Mill may want to trade in that car for a bicycle. Gary “Mr. Roadshow” Richards shares the news that the County budget disaster has road crews working during rush hour.

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